Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cookies? I don't want any cookies!

Well, I did it. I broke my "no processed foods" rule. And my "meat-is-only-for-special-occasions" guideline. I've been having a lot of low-level nausea lately, and I haven't been wanting to cook for myself at all, not even to chop celery. So I gave in and bought some frozen prepared veggies, a premade rice side dish, and a cut of beef. The beef will go in the crockpot with onion soup mix, and the others will be cooked in the microwave. I suppose it's better than soybeans and bread for dinner, or maybe banana with peanut butter and a piece of bread.

Seriously, I've been having some of the weirdest meals lately. I just don't have much appetite, and I don't have the energy to cook things that I really don't want to eat anyway. Sometimes I do crave "real food," but not enough to do the work to make it show up in front of me. :-) So that's why I haven't been posting "real food" recipes lately. There's no recipe for soybeans and bread. You zap the soybeans and butter the bread--not much cooking there. If I'm feeling adventurous I might even make up a batch of biscuits, and if they're Bisquick biscuits I'll make sure to burn them a bit so they taste better. In any event, I'm trying to hit all the food groups, even if my meals have been a little odd.

I was pretty pathetic yesterday at the grocery store trying to figure out what I'd eat for the week. I didn't want food at all, but I was taking it on faith that I would probably want it at some point in the future. My thought process (and some talking under my breath) went something like this:
(look at something) Ick. (and something else) Ick. (and something that sounds really terrible) ick.ick.ICK! okay Rose, calm down, you don't have to get that... (repeat over and over)
I suppose someday I'll have a child saying that to me.

But I have been baking cookies. I'm not sure how I have energy for that. I think it's just habit: Christmastime means baking cookies. The one consolation is that I don't have to eat them. Yes, I mean that. I've baked double batches of three kinds of cookies so far, and I doubt I've eaten more than ten cookies. The toffee I've been making appeals to me, so I've eaten more of that than of the cookies. I think it tastes good because of the dark chocolate, because that settles my stomach. (Whole grains do, too: whole wheat bread, whole wheat biscuits, raw oats...)

In two weeks, I have a doctor appointment with a top-notch doctor, and we'll try to figure out this nausea thing. Until then, it's Tums for dessert, and in that sense I'm getting plenty of dessert. ;-) And I don't mind, honestly. I'm grateful for what I do get to enjoy, and I have a blessedly short memory for side effects. I know this isn't the first Christmas season I've had nausea, but I can't specifically remember any of the others. Isn't that wonderful? The Lord is so kind.

And, of course, the most fun part about cookies is giving them away.

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